Kate Eaton, Henry Gordons sister. Kate's first husband was an Archer. They had two
sons, Winfred and Henry. (Henry Archer was Barbra Faifrchild's grandfather). After Mr. Archer died Kate came to Taylortown
Texas from Knoble Arkansas, with Sister Virgie Hunter (later to be Temple), and Mary Jenkins (later to be Gordon), to hold
a six weeks revival at what was later called the Gordon Shed, and sometime after that it was named the Union Church. Mary
played the piano for Sister Virgie. During the revival Mary met Mack Gordon, and one month later they got married. Sister
Virgie and Kate returned to Knoble without her. Later Kate married Mr. Eaton, they did not have any children.

Aunt Katie Rooks

Grandma & Grandpa Payne

Kate Eaton, Della Fraine, Winford Archer, and Henry

Deward Rooks, Phil Jones, Dor and Myrtle.

Grandpa Payne and Grandpa Gordon.

Henry Gordon, Myrtle Gordon, Maureen & Evie.

Aunt Fannie and Aunt Kate.

Grandma & Grandpa Payne, and Maureen.